If you have been living in Chicago for some time now, you might be familiar with the sudden appearance of rains. It won’t rain all day but if the downpour occurs when you want to walk your dog, things can get frustrating.
Moreover, for those of us who are dog walkers or dog sitters by profession, weather doesn’t make much of a difference. You could be out walking someone’s furry companion through rain or snow. Needs must and all that.
So, before I tell you what I know about walking a dog in wet weather, let me stress on one thing: DON’T! The smell and the ruined hair not to mention the puddles make it a very bad idea. Now that I have warned you, let me tell you how you can make the best out of a very bad situation:
Head Straight for the Dog Park
Dogs need to work off the excess energy, which is why we take them walking in the first place. Now, if you think that is going to be easy while it is pouring, then you are wrong! If you want to wear them out and you can’t depend on there being enough dry ground for the dogs to hike and run, you will have to visit the dog park. One of the advantages of heading there is that you will be limiting the time you spend outside. Another advantage is that it is likely you won’t see anyone else out there. Now let us look at the disadvantages; there is only one. Muddy dogs, so you will need as many towels as you can carry. Before returning home, get off as much dirt as you can with the towels. Then rinse the pup before taking them inside.
Arm Yourself and your Canine Companion
If you don’t own galoshes, then invest in one! If you don’t, you will soon discover that umbrellas won’t do you any good. So, go ahead, get those galoshes and then head to the aisle over to buy a rain poncho as well.
Now, for the canine: most of them will do their best to struggle out of any raincoats and boots you slip them into. If you happen to be fortunate that your dog doesn’t mind being covered, then go for it!
However, if your pup won’t cooperate, then give up trying to force them and go buy the towels. Even so, keep in mind that the raincoat in this situation is more about increased visibility than it is for keeping the rain off. Look for old raincoats or vests that have reflective strips on them. Strap on as many of them as you can on your pooch. It is better to overdo it, so your dog will be clearly visible to all passersby and any vehicles passing by in such inclement weather.
Do you have any tricks that can work well in rainy weather? Share them with us. Additionally, if winters are harsh where you happen to live, follow these simple steps for a good productive dog walk!