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How to keep your canine buddy happy with you

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Dogs, unlike other pets, require little to stay happy. All you need to do to pat them a bit and they will wag their tail with so much joy. They will do anything and everything to keep their owners happy, so if you have a dog you should whatever you can to make it stay content with you. If you are a new to owning a dog then here are the following things you need to do to ensure your canine buddy is your best friend:

⦁ A walk everyday

Dogs love to walk and staying cooped up inside the home makes them irritated. Every dog breed has a certain energy level that requires them to be walked at least once daily for half an hour. Otherwise the pent up energy that they have will be released elsewhere in a negative way such as chewing up the furniture, excessive barking or howling or trying to get out of the house.
If you have a busy lifestyle that doesn’t give you the time to take your dog for a walk then you can hire dog walkers.

⦁ More playtime!

Every dog loves to play games. Whether it’s a simple game of fetch in the park or with the dog toys that you get it; it gives not only physical but mental stimulation to the dog and makes it eager to do everything you tell it the next time.

⦁ Give treats for no reason sometimes

Throw your dog off guard by giving it treats randomly and not only because it has been good lately. Your dog will not only be grateful but will love you even more for giving it an unexpected surprise. Give the dog quality treats and chances are it will not invade your plate or snacks cabinet.

⦁ Show it affection

A mere pat on its head is not enough sometimes. You need to cuddle with it often to stay connected. A hug makes them feel so good that they will look forward to it whenever you come back home from work.

⦁ Be gentle

There are times when dogs make mistakes or are a bit disobedient. Even they have bad days so be gentle with it. Don’t yell at it or be hard on it when it has done something wrong such as biting off the furniture or breaking something. Take care of the dog when it’s sick and have a trip to the vet to find out if there is anything wrong with it.
Follow these simple tips and your dog will be happy with its life and will shower you with affection. It will also calm your dog down and make it friendlier.

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